With TEKtalent, you’ll have dedicated project management and engineering team with you at every step. We can guide you from initial concept to prototype to production or deliver custom turnkey projects. Your project team will work closely with you to understand your goals and adapt to even the most challenging requirements.

Our Projects

Client: One Community | Project: Highest Good Network (HGN)

One Community is creating open-source resources and solutions for all aspects of sustainable living. This product is an open-source project management tool building using react, express, node js, and mongo db.

Client: DemocracyLab. | Project: CivicTechExchange

DemocracyLab is creating an open-source platform to connect stakeholders in civic technology. Their initial product seeks to optimize the connection between skilled volunteers and technology projects that advance the public good. Later iterations will focus on the needs of donors, citizens, and institutions. The intended result is that the efficient flow of information and the allocation of resources that our platform facilitates will accelerate the evolution of new civic innovations capable of addressing many of society’s significant challenges.

This project encompasses the complete web application of DemocracyLab. This project allows a platform to connect the skilled volunteers with the civic-tech projects matching their skillset and job requirements. The tech-stack is React and Django Rest Framework.

Our team develops the minimum viable product you need with a rapid time to market

Our Product development services Include

  • Custom Product Development
  • Product Reengineering and Enhancement
  • Product Audit and Testing
  • Product Maintenance
how can we help you?

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We recently lost a position in one of our centers with very short notice. Despite our 12-hour days without weekend breaks, TEKtalent has been able to supply our needs on very short notice. They are very professional and easy to work with.!

Chris Malcolm
HR MANAGER, Cigna Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

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